Thematic electronic scientific online journal NCFSCHVW

Fruit growing
and viticulture of South Russia

Mamilova Hadijhat


Articles in journal: (total 3)

149 Кб
10 с.
Genetic Resources, Cultivar, selection
Date posted: 15.05.2014
UDC: 634.11:631.52 (470.6)


The features of perspective apple varieties of various ecological end geographical origin are studied and the best of them are allocated on studied morphological features under the ecological conditions of the Chechen Republic. Taking into account the requirements of intensive gardening the parameters of vegetative organs of apple plants, allowing to estimate the varieties resistance to various mechanical and stressful influences, photosynthetic activity, productivity of crown volume and also to define ecological plasticity of varieties are determined. The studied indicators (the length of interstices, a corner of shoot divergence, quantity of leaves on a shoot) allow to define the degree of growth activity of apple plants, to choose a type of young trees formation and their cutting during full fructification period. Taking into account the specified criterias the apple-tree varieties Red Chiv, Nemora, Kuban Bargiyan, Red Darya are allocated. The established parameters indicate the possibility of use of the allocated varieties for cultivation with use of intensive elements of technology, in particular the flattened types of crown formation of young trees and dense schemes of placement them in a garden, and also for creation of intensive plantings of an apple-tree under soil and climatic conditions of Chechen Republic.

How to cite
Mamilova H., Zaremuk R. ASSESSMENT OF BIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF APPLE-TREES VARIETIES UNDER CONDITIONS OF THE CHECHEN REPUBLIC [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2014. № 27(3). pp. 42–51. URL: (request date: 29.04.2024).
143 Кб
9 с.
Genetic Resources, Cultivar, selection
Date posted: 15.05.2014
UDC: 634.11:631.52:581.11(470.6)


The results of water balance studying of twelve perspective apple varieties of various ecological and geographical origin under conditions of the Chechen Republic are presented. Water-retaining ability of leaves of different apple varieties for an assessment of their relative drought resistance and allocation steadier ones on this indicators is studied. It is established, that the majority of varieties of the domestic selection (NRRIH&V), created in the region with insufficient moistering and almost annually repeating of a long drought periods, are characterized by low water return of leaves and higher water-retaining ability. It gives the basis to carry them to rather drought-resistant apple varieties. The received results confirm a hypothesis that the apple varieties of local selection, created under the specific ecological conditions, are more resistant to all adverse and stressful factors inherited this zone. In our researches it is established that the studied apple varieties are more drought-resistant. The apple-tree Red Darya, Kuban Bagrian, Persikov, Renet Kuban, Pamyat Esaul and also less drought-resistant varieties Fudzhi, Interprays, Golden Bee, Red Chiv, Prikubanskoye and Renet Simierenko are needed additional watering for getting the big and stable fruits crops under the conditions of irregular rainfall. These varieties are perspective for intensive technologies of cultivation with use of a drop irrigation and they can be included in the assortment for creation of new apple-trees plantings in the Chechen Republic.

How to cite
Mamilova H., Zaremuk R. THE FEATURES OF WATER REGIME OF PROMISING APPLES VARIETIES UNDER CONDITIONS OF CHECHEN REPUBLIC [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2014. № 27(3). pp. 52–60. URL: (request date: 29.04.2024).
159 Кб
11 с.
Genetic Resources, Cultivar, selection
Date posted: 19.01.2015
UDC: 634.11:631.52 (470.6)


The work purpose is estimation of adaptation and productional potential of new and perspective apple varieties of various ecological and geographical origin for formation of new regional assortment of the Chechen Republic. Objects of research were apple varieties of NRRIH&V breeding and the introduced varieties. The assessment of varieties is carried out according to programs and techniques of selection and variety's study of fruit, berry and nut bearing crops. The economic efficiency was counted on the basis of the actual expenses and profit from realization of fruits according to V.R. Boev's technique. The assessment of fast fruit bearing of apple-tree varieties of different origin on rootstock of MM-106 under the conditions of the Grozny area of the Chechen Republic showed that all varieties are fast fruit bearing. On the mass of a fruit the studied varieties are divided into two groups: with an average size (111-150 g) of a fruit and the size of a fruit above an average (151-200 g). All studied apple-tree varieties fructified annually, only the decrease in productivity is noted in the years with adverse conditions. The index of periodicity of fruit bearing depending on a variety varied from 50,7 to 88,7. On productivity for years of research Prikubanskoye, Kubanskoye Bagryanoye, Golden Bee, Red Chif, Fudzhi and Interpraise are selected. The assessment of fruits quality was carried out on biochemical composition. The varieties of domestic breeding as Kubanskoye, Kubanskoye Bagryanoye and the introduced Golden Bee have a high content of vitamin C. Prikubanskoye, Pamyat Esauly and Kubanskoye Bagryanoye varieties have the high content of vitamin P. The assessment of economic efficiency showed that profitability of apple trees cultivation of different varieties varied from 44,1% (Pamyat Esauly) to 68,5% (Interprise) and averaged 57,3%.

How to cite
Mamilova H. THE RESULTS OF VARIETY'S TESTING OF APPLE-TREE IN THE GROZNY DISTRICT OF THE CHECHEN REPUBLIC [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2015. № 31(1). pp. 61–71. URL: (request date: 29.04.2024).