Thematic electronic scientific online journal NCFSCHVW

Fruit growing
and viticulture of South Russia

Issue: 56(2)

Date posted: 18.03.19

Total articles: 15

Total authors: 43

DOI of issue: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56

Genetic Resources, Cultivar, selection

533 Кб
12 с.
Date posted: 18.03.2019
UDC: 634.1:631.52
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-1-12


The purpose of these study is to identify and the create promising high-quality vari-eties and forms of apple trees of domestic and foreign breeding with a complex of valuable agrobiological signs for the formation of nature-like, resource-saving plantations. According to the results of years research, the high-quality apple elite forms of NCFSCHVW breeding and joint breeding of NCFSCHVW and All-RRIFCB with oligogenic and polygenic type of scab resistance and promising varieties for use in the production of foreign and domestic breeding have been identified. Study were carried out according to generally accepted programs and methods of breeding and variety study. The objects of research are apple genotypes of different ploidy and genetic origin. Based on the assessment of the complex of the main economic characteristics as early ripening, yield, fructification stability, scab resistance, quality and standard of fruits, the most promising varieties and forms of apple trees were selected for involvement in the breeding process and use in the production. A brief description of new elite forms with oligogenic (18/1-14-35) and polygenic (12/1-20-76) type of scab resistance is given in the article. For industrial cultivation, apple varieties are selected: Cameo, Granatovoe, Auvil Erli. Their brief description and estimated indicators of the economic efficiency of these varieties cultivation (sales profit from 442.8 to 550.2 thousand rubles / ha; profitability from 16.9 to 29.7 pp) is presented. The attention is fixed that the high rates of economic efficiency of these varieties cultivation are due to the most optimal combination of the complex of the most important economic traits: as fast fruitage, high yield, fruiting stability, high quality and standard of fruits, and for Granatovoe variety due to immunity to scab additionally.

How to cite
Ulyanovskaya E., Bogdanovich T., Shadrina Z., Kochyan G. NEW VARIETIES AND ELITE FORMS OF THE APPLE-TREE FOR THE SOUTH REGION OF RUSSIA [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2019. № 56(2). pp. 1–12. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-1-12 (request date: 26.04.2024).
661 Кб
11 с.
Date posted: 18.03.2019
UDC: 634.1:631.541
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-13-23


Scientific-based use of clonal rootstocks of fruit crops is one of defining factors of increase in efficiency of horticulture and providing the competitiveness of domestic products. According to the Agreement for creative cooperation, in RUE Institute of Fruit Growing (Belarus) the apple rootstocks NC (North Caucasus) series of the North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making breeding are tested. According to the opinion of authors and other researchers, these rootstocks are characterized by a positive impact the adaptability and productivity of grafted varieties. The article presents the results of evaluation of economic and biological apple rootstocks properties of NCFSCHVW breeding in the maternal rootstocks plantings, in the fields of nursery formation and in the garden. On the most of the indicators the dwarf rootstocks of 3 and 4 is close to the standard 62-396; the advantage of 4 rootstock is identified by productivity of the maternal bush (8.1 compared with 7.5 pieces/mat. bush). The condition of Imant apple trees for 10 years after planting in the garden was better on the rootstocks of 3 (3.7 points) and 4 (4.2 points) than on the control rootstock of 62-396 (3.0 points). Safety of trees on the 62-396 rootstock was 83.3 %, on the rootstocks of 54-118, 2, 4 100 %, on 3 rootstock 92.0 %. The assessment of the trees strength in the soil (anchorage) showed that 50 % of Imant trees on 62-396 dwarf rootstock have a slope of 1.0 points (weak slope of the tree), on the rootstock the share of trees with a slope of 1.0 points was less up to 33 %. The income of the sale of fruits on the 4 rootstock was more than on the 62-396 rootstock (16 660 and 16 100 rubles/ha) due to better preservation of trees and higher marketability of fruits.

How to cite
Samus V., Levshunov V., Drabudko N., Kapichnikova N., Efimova I. CLONAL APPLE ROOTSTOCKS OF NC (NORTH CAUCASUS) SERIE IN THE BELARUS [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2019. № 56(2). pp. 13–23. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-13-23 (request date: 26.04.2024).
624 Кб
11 с.
Date posted: 18.03.2019
UDC: 634.23:631.52
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-24-34


The comprehensive assessment of cherry ordinary genotypes is necessary for a number of reasons: a significant decrease in its productivity is currently observed, while the harmful effect of the pervasive coccomycosis disease has increased significantly, and the effect of high positive temperatures has increased, which has led to a decrease in the heat-resistance potential of some cherry varieties. All this points to the need to select the adaptive varieties for biotic and abiotic stresses in order to solve the breeding problems and improve the industrial assortment of this highly valuable culture, not only in the South, but also in the other regions of Russia. The observations were carried out in the summer period, when the maximum impact of stressful situations is noted illness, lack of moisture and nutrition that adversely affects the generative and vegetative activity of plants. Evaluation of drought resistance of cherry varieties was carried out taking into account the main indicators of productivity (the number of fruit buds, flowers, ovaries and crop accounting) and the general condition of the fruit tree (withering and falling of leaves, flowers, ovaries and fruits). It is noted that the laying of the generative organs and subsequent blossoming were good in almost all varieties of the gene collection by 4.0-5.0 points. The conditions close to optimum during the blossoming period (no frosts, prolonged rains, dry winds, etc.) determined a fairly high fruit set in the most cherry varieties (by 4.0-5.0 points), except for the varieties of Vstrecha, Duke Hadosa, Prizvanie and Obluchinskaya (3.5 points). Evaluation of drought tolerance allowed to distinguish varieties of Vstrecha, Izbrannitsa, Igrushka, Molodezhnaya, Orotak, with minimum damage of the leaves (0-1 point). Also the cherry varieties the sources of adaptability to coccomycosis are selected.

How to cite
Dolya Y. ASSESSMENT OF THE ORIGINAL CHERRY ORDINARY MATERIAL FOR USING IN BREEDING AND PRODUCTION [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2019. № 56(2). pp. 24–34. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-24-34 (request date: 26.04.2024).
562 Кб
16 с.
Date posted: 18.03.2019
UDC: 634.511
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-35-50


Walnut Persian has long been Common in the North Caucasus, but its orchards are from seed origin mainly and localized mainly in the forest farms and the individual sector. Their productivity due to connection with a variety of seeds is low. This level of yield does not correspond to the genetic potential of the crop, therefore, the gradual replacement of unproductive seed plantations with varietal is one of the main ways of intensification the tree farming industry in the North Caucasus Region. The North Caucasus, and in particular the Krasnodar Territory, has the favorable soil and climatic conditions for the development of industrial walnut production. The cultivation of walnut on a varietal basis in recent years has become possible because of the successful solution of the problem of creating a regional assortment and technology of growing of grafted planting material. As a result of the study, it was breeded and zoned the varieties such as Aurora, Dachny, Zarya Vostoka, Lyubimy Petrosyana, Nadezhda, Oven, Pelan, Rodina, Urojainy and a number of promising varieties (with apical-lateral and lateral fruiting Cavkazec, Novinka, Nakhodka, Khutorok, Arpet , Desertny, Izyashchny, Maslyanichny, Selektsioner, Sovkhozny, Konkistador, Olympyets, possessing a complex of economically valuable properties. A number of varieties have the increasing winter hardness and in the cold extreme winters are able to preserve a significant part of fruit wood. Other varieties have a late flowering and thus avoid returning spring frosts, which ultimately improves the economic efficiency of cultivated fruit production and reduces the risk of loss from adverse environmental climatic factors. The article presents four new promising va-rieties of walnut, of FSBI NCFSCHVW breeding which are recommended for widespread production testing under the conditions of the Prikubansky zone of the Krasnodar Territory, as for well as their transfer to the State variety Testing.

How to cite
Lugovskoi A., Artuhova L., Balapanov I. IMPROVEMENT OF PERSIAN WALNUT ASSORTMENT IN THE NORTHERN CAUCASUS ZONE [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2019. № 56(2). pp. 35–50. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-35-50 (request date: 26.04.2024).
459 Кб
11 с.
Date posted: 18.03.2019
UDC: 634.75: 631.524.01
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-51-61


For successful breeding work on the strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) to improve fruit quality is particular importance to know the genetic features of signs variability of parental varieties studied and their hy-brid prosperity. The traditional criterion for the quantitative evaluation of the varieties genetic potential is the heritability coefficient in a wide H2 and narrow h2 mention. The purpose of our research is to assess the contributions of additive and non-additive genetic interactions to identify the promising parental forms and hybrid strawberry combinations on the signs of fruit quality. The paper presents the results of the evaluation of strawberry 8 varieties and 18 hybrid numbers on the signs of fruit quality, including the average fruit weight, firmness of fruit and sugar content for the selection of promising forms taking into account the studied characteristics. The program and the methodic generally accepted in Russia was using in the work. Research have shown that for the studied strawberry varieties in the most hybrid selections with their participation in implementation of traits as an average fruit weight, fruit firmness and sugar content (Brix %) predominates the non-additive effects of genetic interactions, which show the effectiveness of selection in some cross combinations. A significant additive effect of genes determined the possibility of donor potential, is noted on the average fruit weight n the Florence variety, and on the sugar content in the Onda, Nelli and Marmolada varieties. The modifying influence of the ecological conditions of growing environment on the fruit firmness of strawberry is clearly expressed in hybrid selections with the participation of the Onda and Molling Pandora varieties, and on the sugar content with the participation of Belrubi variety.

How to cite
Lapshin V., Yakovenko V. ESTIMATION OF GENETIC POTENTIAL OF STRAWBERRY VARIETIES ON BERRY QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2019. № 56(2). pp. 51–61. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-51-61 (request date: 26.04.2024).
534 Кб
11 с.
Date posted: 18.03.2019
UDC: 634.8.09
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-62-72


As a result of theoretical analysis of the literature data, it was found that only the signs acquired by the grape plant as a whole or its individual shoots, fixed at the gene level and able to be transmitted during vegetative reproduction, are mutations, and this bush can be selected as a clone of variety. The effectiveness of clone breeding is always higher when using the plantations of long-cultivated varieties. This is due to the fact that the mutation process in such vineyards occurs with increased frequency and affects a large number of features. Currently, there are two methods of clones selection the selection of clones according to the morphological correlations and the selection of highly productive clones. If the selection of clones on morphological correlations is the task of improving the variety mainly on the basis of the leading feature, the selection of highly productive clones is expected to improve the variety on a set of features. This makes it possible to select the clones characterized by high yield, resistance to adverse conditions, a short period of vegetation, increased sugar accumulation and other properties. At all stages of breeding, the results of clone evaluation are compared with each other and certainly with the data of parallel propagated control bushes (control of full-fledged bushes of average yield). It is desirable to carry out the required calculations, meas-urements, weighting, monitoring of maternal bushes. Only analyzing the totality of the collected information about variability of the characteristics of the selected bushes at all stages of breeding in comparison with the control and maternan bushes, it is possible to reasonably select the highly productive clones. The task of clone certification is much easier if we consider the changes in morphological characteristics against the background of the changed economic and biological signs.

How to cite
. CLONAL SELECTION IS A PROMISING DIRECTION IN THE IMPROVEMENT OF GRAPE VARIETIES [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2019. № 56(2). pp. 62–72. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-62-72 (request date: 26.04.2024).
464 Кб
11 с.
Date posted: 18.03.2019
UDC: 634.8.09
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-73-83


The analysis of the existing zoned assortment formulates the main tasks of breeding of table grape varieties: the need to create high-quality ultra-early and early varieties; the seedless varieties with a smart bunch and large berries, characterized by high keeping quality and suitability for long-term storage; the varieties with increased frost resistance and resistance to harmful organisms. The breeding of new varieties by hybridization is that by directed, scientifically based selection of parent pairs for crossing in one hybrid organism it is possible to combine certain desirable features of parent pairs or their complex. It is possible, using the method of hybridization, to obtain the grape varieties with a new modified genotype, which was not previously in nature and culture. In the course of scientific work, the objects of research were the hybrid forms of table grapes, selected to the elite. Research work on the study of hybrid forms on the complex of economic-valuable breed-ing characteristics was carried out by field and laboratory methods on the ampelographic collection of Anapa Zonal Experimental Station of Viticulture and Wine-making. Analyzing the agrobiological parameters of studied hybrid forms, it can be concluded that the lowest fruiting coefficient is in the hybrid form of III-59-43 0,5, and the highest in III-59-13 form 1,2. The fruitfullness coefficient of all varieties and hybrid forms ranges from 0.7 to 1.8, with the lowest in the table grape form of III-62-59, and the highest in the III-59-43 form. The average yield per bush is maximum in the forms of III-62-10 and III-62-59. The fruitfulness of one shoot is the highest in forms of III-59-13, III-59-6, III-62-10. The results of berries biochemical Analysis of the studied hybrid grapes forms showed the highest concentration of sugar in the berries of III-59-43, III-59-6 and III-62-10 forms. The lowest acidity of the berries juice is in the hybrid form of III-59-13.

How to cite
., Kurdenkova E. ELITE HYBRID TABLE FORMS OF GRAPES OF ANAPA'S ZONAL EXPERIMENTAL STATION OF VITICULTURE AND WINEMAKING BREEDING [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2019. № 56(2). pp. 73–83. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-73-83 (request date: 26.04.2024).
536 Кб
9 с.
Date posted: 18.03.2019
UDC: 575.11: 634.8
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-84-92


Powdery mildew a disease of the vine, the causative agent of which is the ascomycete Erysiphe necator. The pathogen causes the significant damage to industrial viticulture throughout the world. Growing of resistant grape varieties is the best way to reduce pesticide control of the disease and produce an environmentally friendly crop. Genotypes that are resistant to powdery mildew mainly belong to the North American and Asian grape species. Currently, the urgent task of the breeding and genetics of grapes is to search for donors of resistance and their involvement in the process of creating the new, highly resistant and high-quality varieties. To date, more than 10 major and minor loci of resistance to powdery mildew in the genome of grapes have been identified. Locus Ren3 was identified on chromosome 15 in the genotypes of the Regent and Villard Blanc grape varieties. DNA-markers suitable for gene detection were also found. We have tested two closely linked DNA markers (UDV116, GF15-28) on 11 genotypes of grapes of different origin. The DNA of Regent and Villard Blanc, in which the Ren3 gene was identified (positive controls), Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay varieties (negative controls), as well as 7 genotypes of grapes potential gene carriers, were included in the work. The work was carried out by PCR with the separation of reaction products by capillary electrophoresis using an automatic ABI Prism 3130 genetic analyzer. Target PCR products corresponding to the literature data are defined in the Regent and Villard Blanc grape genotypes, as well as in the genotypes of Donus, Dunavski Gymza and Storgosia genotypes.

How to cite
Ilnitskaya E., Makarkina M., Tokmakov S., Naumova L. APPROBATION OF DNA-MARKERS LINKED TO REN3 GENE OF GRAPE VARIETIES RESISTANCE TO POWDERY MILDEW [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2019. № 56(2). pp. 84–92. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-84-92 (request date: 26.04.2024).

Breeding and production of planting material

594 Кб
17 с.
Date posted: 18.03.2019
UDC: 634.2:631.541.11:581.143.6
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-93-109


In order to put into production the high-quality, high-variety planting material of fruit crop rootstocks in demanding quantity, it is necessary to quickly propagate the high-tech, proven clonal rootstocks to create their mother nursery plantations. The number of promising technologies capable to ensure the competitiveness of stone crops production include the reproduction using biotechnological methods. The work for reproduction in vitro of some rootstocks obtained by distant hybridization in the Department of fruit crops was carried out in 2012-2017 in the laboratory of biotechnology and biochemistry of the Crimean Experimental Selection Station of the All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources. This article presents a brief description of vegetative propagated rootstocks of hybrid origin for varieties of cherry plum, apricot, peach and plum, as well as for varieties of sweet cherry and cherry. Consideration is given to the creation of plant cuttings mother nursery based on their accelerated clonal micropropagation in vitro. The physical conditions have been optimized for the explants cultivation at the main stages of reproduction of the studied rootstocks for stone fruit crops in vitro. As a result of the research, the most acceptable nutrient media were determined based on the nutrient agarized media Murashige and Skoog (1962) and Woody Plant Media for each reproduction stage. It is shown that, depending on the genetic origin of the rootstock, the survival rate of explants when introduced into culture on the above modified media was, on average, not lower than 60 %: it was the highest in the rootstocks of VSL 2 and Kuban 86 (up to 90 %), and it was low (≈ 40 %) in VSV 1 and VVA 1 rootstocks. We were concluded that there is a real opportunity when stone fruit crops cultivating to use the rootstocks from plant cuttings mother nursery laid by planting material grown by the microclonal propagation method.

How to cite
Kovalenko N. PROSPECTS FOR USE OF REPRODUCTION IN VITRO OF HYBRID CLONE ROOT-STOCKS OF STONE FRUIT CROPS FOR CREATING OF MOTHER NURSERY PLANTATIONS [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2019. № 56(2). pp. 93–109. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-93-109 (request date: 26.04.2024).

Physiology and biochemistry of plants

802 Кб
12 с.
Date posted: 18.03.2019
UDC: 634.8:581.1
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-110-121


Climate change on the planet is characterized by increased aridity in the regions where grapes are traditionally cultivated, the grapes is one of the most important crop in the world. Grapes vegetation takes a place at high temperatures, soil and atmospheric drought. Under such conditions, the plants are affected by a combination of abiotic and biotic stresses, causing the defensive reactions that are unique to each combination of stress factors. The aim of the research is to study the changes in the activity of antioxidant enzymes of various grape varieties under the influence of osmotic and high-temperature stresses. The objects of study were the leaves of different grape varieties, under the influence of simulated drought and high temperature. To simulate a drought, the leaves were dried for 2 hours at room temperature. To simulate the high-temperature stress, the grape leaves in the glasses with distilled water were kept n a thermostat for 2 hours at a temperature of +50 º. Different enzyme isoforms have different activity when the environmental conditions change, so the formation of several isoenzymes with differtnt molecular weights may show the adaptive response of plants to stress. It is found that for the most of the studied grape varieties, short-term exposure to stress led to decrease in the number of peroxidase isoforms, and decrease in the activity of superoxide dismutase and a phenolic oxidizing peroxidase. The activity of ascorbate peroxidase changed less than the activity of the other two enzymes. The content of MDA, which indirectly characterizes the development of secondary oxidative stress, was markedly increased in all studied grape varieties. This reaction may be associated with the activation of signaling cascades in the grape plants, which requires an increase in the level of secondary oxidative stress, for the further formation of protective reaction. Our study have shown that different grape varieties are sensitive to different types of stress. These research will continue to study the reactions of grape plants at a longer exposure time of studied stress factors.

How to cite
Luzkii E., Sundyreva M., Habluk V. INFLUENCE OF WATER AND TEMPERATURE STRESS THE ACTIVITY OF ANTIOXIDANT ENZYME OF GRAPES [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2019. № 56(2). pp. 110–121. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-110-121 (request date: 26.04.2024).
762 Кб
11 с.
Date posted: 18.03.2019
UDC: 634.8.076
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-122-132


Organic grape acids play a key role in sensory perception of wine and have a direct impact the formation of its organoleptic characteristics; contribute to the protection of wine materials and wines from the development of harmful bacterial microflora; affect the intensity of redox processes by inhibiting the action of oxidative enzymes; ensure the stability of wine products. The main grape berries acids (more than 90% of the total amount of acids) are tartaric and malic acids. Their content in grapes is due to a number of factors - grape variety, meteorological conditions during ripening, air temperature (cool conditions contribute to a higher content of malic acid in the ripe berries), water circulation in the plant stem, soil-microclimate complex, and agrotechnics of grape bush cultivation. The amount of these acids and their ratio largely determine the amount of titrated and active acidity of grapes. The purpose of this research was to study the composition of organic acids of grapes of European and Crimean aboriginal varieties from different soil and climatic regions of the Crimea. According to the results of research we have carried out the role of the grape variety in organic acid accumulation in the berries was confirmed. The similarity of grapes organic acids profiles was revealed between Pinot Blanc and Sary Pandas; Kokur Belyi, Rkatziteli and Muscat Belyi. The role of the soil and climatic conditions of grapes growing in the process of formation of composition of organic acids complex was shown. The possibility of using the organic acids complex as an indicator of the quality of grape raw material for the production of wines with geographic status as well as for optimization of technological methods of their production was confirmed.

How to cite
Ostroukhova E., Peskova I., Pogorelov D. THE ORGANIC ACID PROFILE OF WHITE GRAPES VARIETIES GROWING IN CRIMEA [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2019. № 56(2). pp. 122–132. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-122-132 (request date: 26.04.2024).

Construction of plantings, forming of crown

560 Кб
11 с.
Date posted: 18.03.2019
UDC: 634.8:631.52
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-133-143


The results of assessment of embryonic fruitfulness at new table grape varieties of domestic breeding are presented. The level of embryonic fruitfulness of different varieties considerably differs, despite of identical conditions of growth environment. Considering the significant influence of biological features and also environment conditions on laying of embryonic inflorescences and yielding of plantings, the task is to establish the regularities of embryonic inflorescences formations and to optimize the cutting length of shoots for the table varieties of Akello, Hamlet, K.M. Dubovsky, Dubovsky Red. Studying of embryonic fruitfulness was carried out on the vineyards growing under agroecological conditions of continental climate of the Volgograd Region. Selection of shoots and the assessment of embryonic fruitfulness of the wintering buds were carried out in the period of deep physiological dormancy of plants by a microscope in NCFSCHVW laboratory. The regularity of making and differentiation of embryonic inflorescences of the studied grape varieties and also the differentiation indicators of coefficients of fructification and fruitfulness on length of shoots, as well as the adaptive potential of varieties under the stressful conditions of 2018 is determined. The highest rates of fructification and fruitfulness and also adaptive potential under the conditions of temperature and water stressor have had Akello and Hamlet grapes. Akello had the highest rates of fructification and fruitfulness, the highest embryonic productivity was observed in a zone of 6-7 wintering buds. For maintaining the maximum economic efficiency of grapes the optimum length of shoots pruning for Akello after stressful conditions of vegetation has to be 8 eyes. The Hamlet grapes had the highest rates of fructification and fruitfulness in a zone of 3 wintering buds. The pruning length of shoots has to be 4 buds. At variety K.M. Dubovsky and Dubovsky Red was observed a low adaptive potential under conditions of high-temperature and water stresses. To establish the optimum length of shoots pruning of these varieties the research will be continued.

How to cite
Zhiku D., Gusev S., Pyata E., Petrov V. EMBRYONIC FRUITFULNESS OF TABLE GRAPE VARIETIES UNDER THE MOST ARID CONDITIONS OF VOLGOGRAD REGION [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2019. № 56(2). pp. 133–143. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-133-143 (request date: 26.04.2024).

Manage environmental and food safety

648 Кб
13 с.
Date posted: 18.03.2019
UDC: 634.86:631
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-144-156


The development of fruit growing and viticulture under modern conditions is aimed at a comprehensive solution of the main task the obtaining the highest possible yield of high quality fruits from a unit of area while reducing their cost. The use of physiologically active substances in fruit-growing and viticulture, namely the proper and balanced mineral nutrition, can contribute to the successful solution of this problem. Mineral nutrition plays an important role in the growth and development of agricultural plants. It is known that the bulk of fertilizers have a selectivity of their action on various species, varieties, various tissues and organs of the plant organism. As a result of their action, significant changes occur in biomass, winter hardiness and productivity of fruit crops and grapes. The purpose of this study was to study the effect of foliar nutrition with TM Glycerol preparations the yield and quality of grapes and apple-tree. The methods and techniques generally accepted in viticulture and horticulture were applied in this research. It was evaluated the mineral nutrition system on the basis of TM Glycerol as a foliar top dressing for fruit crops and grapes (optimal rates and terms of fertilizer application) and the influence of this system the productivity and quality of Moldova table grape variety for example and Spartan apple variety for example. Study carried out have shown that the use of foliar fertilizers TM "Glycerol" contributed to the reduction of the productive period of studied grapes and apple-tree for 4-5 days, due to the acceleration of the ripening process, as well as an increase in fruitage: for Moldova grapes by 20,1 %, for Spartan apple 25 %.

How to cite
Boyko V., Levchenko S., Belash D. DEVELOPMENT OF A SYSTEM FOR APPLICATION OF GLYCEROL PREPERATIONS AND ASSESSMENT OF ITS IMPACT ON PRODUCTIVITY AND QUALITY INDICATORS OF GRAPES AND APPLE-TREE [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2019. № 56(2). pp. 144–156. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-144-156 (request date: 26.04.2024).
732 Кб
14 с.
Date posted: 18.03.2019
UDC: 634.23:632.938.1
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-157-170


The creation of resistant varieties to coccomycosis (one of the most harmful diseases of cherry and sweet cherry) corresponds to the strategic directions for the development of Krasnodar Territory No. 1: a cardinal improvement in the quality and longevity of the population. In this regard, an important role is played by providing the population with the high-quality environmentally friendly products. The creation of resistant varieties Will allow you to avoid or reduce the number of chemical sprayings, to reduce the fruit production costs, and the most importantly, to help in solving the problem of obtaining environmentally safe products. As a result of many years work on the creation of genotypes resistant to coccomycosis, the forms of 3-33-34 and Yuzhanka were selected to the elite, which, due to a number of economically valuable and adaptively significant traits, differ markedly from standard varieties. So, under the conditions of the Goryachy Klyuch district, where as a result of long-term monitoring, it is noted in the population the most virulent clones overcoming the resistance of the A gene, the full yield was obtained only from the elites of Yuzhanka and 3-33-34 on the rootstocks of the NCFSCHVW breeding to 16 t / ha. They are differed on the lowest indicators: the average number of coccomycosis pustules per 1 cm2 of leaf (0.08 1.1 to 5.25 1.3), resistance index (0-1357), generative activity of the fungis (0-2629). Timiryazevskaya cherry are also selected to the elite, with the late development of coccomycosis. Its distinctive features the original taste of the fruits, high yield, up to 100 kg per tree. These elite forms also showed the complex resistance to drought, high summer temperatures and a number of diseases, which proved their suitability for resource-saving technologies of gardening.

How to cite
Kuznetsova A., Drigina A., Madgar D., Grdnev S., Lenivtseva M. PROMISING RESISTANT TO COCCOMYCOSIS CHERRY VARIETIES FOR THE SOUTH OF RUSSIA [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2019. № 56(2). pp. 157–170. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-157-170 (request date: 26.04.2024).

Processing of fruit and berries production and grapes

538 Кб
9 с.
Date posted: 18.03.2019
UDC: 663.263
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-171-179


The main reason for aggravation of fruit wines commodity is the formation of a biopolymer complex with the participation of high-molecular compounds pectic substances, cellulose, hemicellulose, as well as proteins and phenolic substances. The highest concentration of polysaccharides sum, including the pectic substances, was found in the wine materials from apples of Renet Simirenko, and their smallest amount from Florina apples. With the higher content of catechins and anthocyanins, the wine materials were from the varieties of Jonathan and Idared. As a result of the research carried out it was found that the concentration and composition of the biopolymer complex in apple juices depend on varietal characteristics of apples. The highest content of complex compounds was found in the juice from the apple varieties of Idared, Renet Simirenko and Florina. The highest amount of polysaccharides is found in the juices from apples of the Korea, and the highest content of pectin substances is found in the juice from Renet Simirenko and Interpreis apples. It should be noted that the total concentration of biopolymers in the fresh and fermented apple juice had similar values, but their composition was significantly different. It was found that during the fermentation of juices from all studied apple varieties, the proportion of phenolic compounds and, especially, polysaccharides decreased in the complex of biopolymers, but at the same time, the share of protein increased due to its secretion from the yeast cell to the fermented cider material. The obtained experimental data indicate the complexity of the biopolymer complex composition of fruit (apple) wines and the need to take into account both the concentration of biopolymers and their composition in the technological measures development for the prevention and elimination of colloidal dimness in the finished products.

How to cite
Ageeva N., Prakh A., Avanesyants R. BIOPOLYMERS OF JUICES AND WINES FROM APPLES OF DIFFERENT VARIETIES [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2019. № 56(2). pp. 171–179. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2019-2-56-171-179 (request date: 26.04.2024).