Thematic electronic scientific online journal NCFSCHVW

Fruit growing
and viticulture of South Russia

Issue: 65(5)

Date posted: 21.09.20

Total articles: 27

Total authors: 62

DOI of issue: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65

Genetic Resources, Cultivar, selection

587 Кб
18 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.1:631.52
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-1-18


The article provides a description of new domestic apple varieties of early summer and summer ripening, included ones in the State Register of selection achievements approved for use in the North Caucasus (6) region: Union (breeds FSBSI North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making, together with FSBSI All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding) and Fortuna, Feya and Zolotoe Letnee (breeding of North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making). The studies were carried out in accordance with the generally accepted and developed by the employees of the Selection Center of the FSBSI NCFSCHVW programs and methods of selection and variety study of fruit crops. Objects of research are the apple varieties of different ploidy and various genetic origin. It is presented a pomological characteristic of 4 new apple varieties of Zolotoe Letnee, Soyus, Feya, Fortuna, including the origin of variety, distribution, ploidy, variety status, ripening period, economic and biological characteristics, detailed morphological characteristics, cytological features, the main advantages and disadvantages of the variety, the main distinctive signs, as well as the originators and authors of the variety are indicated. The main features of new domestic Zoned apple varieties that are valuable for varietal testing are described. According to the results of research carried out the new apple varieties are promising for use in breeding and in industrial and home gardening of the Southern region of Russia. The Soyuz apple variety combining immunity to scab, drought tolerance, high yield (up to 56 t/ga on MM106 rootstosk), large size of fruits (up to 355 g), dessert fruit taste (tasting grade of 4,8-4,9 points).

How to cite
Ulyanovskaya E. SUMMER APPLE VARIETIES: SOUZ, ZOLOTOE LETNEE, FEUA, FORTUNA [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 1–18. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-1-18 (request date: 05.05.2024).
700 Кб
13 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.23:631.52:581.036
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-19-31


The paper presents the results of a comprehensive physiological assessment of 16 cherry`s varieties of various ecological and geographical origin in the Prikuban fruit growing zone of the Krasnodar Territory. The purpose of these studies was to study the physiological characteristics of the formation of cherry adaptability according to drought plant tolerance under the conditions of Southern horticulture to select the most resistant varieties to drought and heat. According to the indicators of leaf tissue water content, the cherry varieties of Timati, Feya, Dyuk Ivanovna, Dyuk Khodosa and Kazachka were revealed in the insufficient moisture period. Varieties characterized by the least loss of water during a long drought were found: Dzhusi Frut (7.1 %), Dyuk Ivanovna (7.4 %), Fairy (7.9 %), Orotak (8.4 %), Dyuk Hodosa (6.5 %), Timati (6.6 %), Vstrecha (6.8 %), Erdie Botermo (6.9%), Prizvanie (6.9%). It was established that in the studied cherry varieties the water-keeping capacity of leaf tissues was quite high and was determined by varietal characteristics and conditions of the year. According to the dry substances content in leaf tissues, the dynamics of which during the period of abnormally high positive temperatures effect indicate to some extent the drought tolerance of cherry varieties. The varieties with the lowest dry matter content like Timati (11.2 %), Dyuk Hodosa (10.4 %), Dyuk Ivanovna (12,2 %), Erdie Bothermo (11.8 %), Jusi Frut (12.5 %) are selected. At the same time, a relationship was established between the hydration of leaf tissues and the dry substances content in them, which increase with a decrease in the total water content. By the complex of physiological parameters, the most drought tolerant varieties under the conditions of the Kuban zone of the Krasnodar Territory are revealed, they are Dyuk Ivanovna, Dyuk Khodosa, Timati and Feya. These varieties can be recommended for cultivation and adaptive cherry plantations under conditions of Southern Region.

How to cite
Zaremuk R., Kopnina T., Dolya Y. REALIZATION OF DROUGHT RESISTANCE POTENTIAL OF PROMISING CHERRY VARIETIES [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 19–31. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-19-31 (request date: 05.05.2024).
708 Кб
14 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.232:631.541.11
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-32-45


Clonal rootstocks should contribute to improving the economic and biological characteristics of varieties, to show the adaptability to abiotic stress factors, to increase in the yield of plantations. Where guaranteed irrigation is not possible, the clonal rootstock for sweet cherry in Southern Russia can be Magaleb cherry or Antipka, which naturally show the high drought tolerance. The purpose of our work is the selection of a highly productive clonal rootstock for sweet cherry from the forms of Magaleb cherry selected by the high rooting rate with lignified cuttings. These clonal forms of Antipka, have been tested since 2015 for compatibility with the zoned Alexandria variety. 28 tested rootstock forms can be divided into groups according to the growth vigor, as dwarf, medium and vigorous growth. The rootstocks of C-85, C-3, ANT B/N 5, ANT 213, Jermuk 30, C 18, ANT A 30, ANT self-fertile 17 and ANT 14-21-33 stand out as dwarf. Testing of variety-rootstock combinations with the participation of Antipka forms showed that rootstock propagated by cloning contribute to early sweet cherry maturity, that is not the case with seed propagation. The manifestation of early maturity is noted in variety-rootstock combinations with the participation of ANT 1/148 9/10, ANT C 36, ANT b/n 13, ANT A 30, C-3, C-18, on the fifth year of growth a yield are of 9.8; 12.3; 10.4; 10.3; 12.3 and 15.1 kg, respectively, twice of the RVL 9 control rootstock 6.5 kg. The analysis of the specific productivity of the stem cross section characterizes the trees on the tested rootstock forms C 18 0.27 kg/sm3, ANT self-fertile 17 0.23 kg/sm3, ANT C 36 0.19 kg/sm3, ANT × Maaka 9-8 0.16 kg/sm3, as highly productive at a young age. The trees on these rootstocks correspond to the assigned 5×2 m planting scheme and the KGB formation system.

How to cite
Eremina O., Sivoplyasov V. NEW EARLY MATURING CLONAL ROOTSTOCKS FOR SWEET CHERRY FROM PERSPECTIVE FORMS OF SPECIES P. MAHALEB L. [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 32–45. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-32-45 (request date: 05.05.2024).
644 Кб
14 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.717: 631.527
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-46-59


Brief characteristics of the five promising breeding of blackberry forms with a complex of economic and valuable features identified during the study under the conditions of the Orel region (VNIISPK) is given. Four of them are obtained from the open pollination of foreign cultivars of Loch Ness, Black Satin and Cheyenne; the fifth form is created by crossing the Caucasian species of Rubus caucasicus L. with the American cultivar of Thornfree. The studies were carried out according to the conventional methods on the well-cultivated plot using a support trellis and winter shelter of experimental plants with a white synthetic material with a density of 60 g / m2. The selected blackberry seedlings are superior to the released cultivars on a number of traits: the Agawam cultivar on the quality of the berries, being inferior in winter hardiness, the Thornfree cultivar on winter hardiness and some indicators of the quality of the berries and early ripening, being inferior in productivity. As complex origin of a number of economically significant features, these genotypes can be used in the further breeding process. Thornfree × R. caucasicus L. is of value for harmonious ripening, regularity and intensity of shoot formation, high self-fertility and viability. The seedlings from the open pollination of Cheyenne and Black Satin blackberry can serve as origin of high taste quality of berries, early and continuous ripening and winter hardiness. The seedlings from the open pollination of Loch Ness 4 and 13 are perspective in breeding for sweet taste of berries, transportability and lack of plant thorns. The studies have shown that both traditional crosses and open pollination, which can give new genotypes with high indicators of economically valuable traits, can be used in the creation of new blackberry cultivars to obtain a diversity of breeding material. It is noted that the involvement of wild species with valuable traits in the breeding process is promising.

How to cite
Gryuner L., Kornilov B. BLACKBERRIES FROM VNIISPK GENE POOL PERSPECTIVE FOR BREEDING [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 46–59. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-46-59 (request date: 05.05.2024).
567 Кб
10 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.8.06
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-60-69


The breeders of the Anapa Zonal Experimental Station of Viticulture and Winemaking carry out a large and relevant work aimed at breeding the new high-quality and productive technical grape varieties adapted to local climatic conditions, with high productivity and quality indicators, as well as tolerant to the most dangerous vermin the phylloxera. This article presents the results of the study of elite grape hybrid forms of technical direction, including the newly selected to the elite forms of the last year. Every year the phenological observations and agrobiological calculations, ufologically and chemical analyses are carried out with selected hybrid forms. The data obtained allow us to identify the most productive forms with high quality of final products for further development of new varieties and transfer them to State testing and introduction of them into production practice. Long-term comprehensive research of grape hybrid forms of the technical direction allowed us to distinguish ten hybrids into the elite. The studied hybrids have high productivity indicators: the coefficient of fruiting was 1.0-1.2, the coefficient of fruitfulness 1.3-1.4, the yield per bush 6.7 kg on average. These hybrid grape forms have good annual vine ripening rates (up to 83 % in 2019). In addition, they are much superior to the mechanical composition of bunches of control varieties. This is especially concern for the ratio of combs and berries, juice and pulp with skin and seeds. This allow to suggest that these elite grape hybrid forms can be the title of a variety, that is, they can be submitted to the State variety testing.

How to cite
Gorbunov I. STUDY OF TECHNICAL ELITE GRAPE HYBRIDS OF AZESVW BREEDING [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 60–69. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-60-69 (request date: 05.05.2024).
672 Кб
13 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.8.06
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-70-82


This article shows the results of research work carried out within the framework of the RFBR grant project (agreement No. 19-416-230025) and the agreement on scientific cooperation between the Anapa Zonal Experimental Station of Viticulture and Winemaking a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution North Caucasus Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture, Viticulture, and Winemaking and the Federal State Budgetary Institution Utrish State Nature Reserve. As a result of research carried out, the wild grapes were found in the tracts of the Vodyanaya Shchel and Lobanova Shchel on the territory of the Utrish Nature Reserve, unique in its natural and historical conditions (the ancient human settlements) in the number of 16 populations, the vine of which is visually tolerant to the effects of abiotic and biotic environmental factors. It is found also 5 populations of wild grapes along the banks of the Kuban river, similar in appearance to cultural grapes. Morphological and biological study of the vegetative and generative spheres of grape plants founded and genetic analysis of the apical part of young shoots was carried out to identify and establish the origin of the studied forms. A detailed description of their ecological growing conditions is made. The samples were taken from wild vines for genetic analysis. Wild grape plants in the studied territories have significant differences in the morphology of vegetative and generative organs. Particularly it is concern to such features as color, shape, leaf pubescence and gofference, the tops forms of the young shoot, the depth of the leaf upper cuts, the shape and depth of leaf hollow, the shape of leaf sheet cogs, color of skin and pulp of the berries. The most variable were the next sings: the openness of the top of the young shoot, the shape and pubescence of the lower side of the leaf formed.

How to cite
Gorbunov I., Lukyanov A., Bykhalova O. MORPHOLOGICAL PECULIARITIES OF THE KUBAN WILD-GROWING FORMS OF GRAPES [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 70–82. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-70-82 (request date: 05.05.2024).
629 Кб
17 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 581.9: 581.6
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-83-99


The grapes belong to the order Rhamnales, the family of Vitaceae or Ampelidaceae, which is divided into two subfamilies: Lecoidaceae and Ampelideae. The latter subfamily includes the genus Vitis. where there are about 40 Asian species, plus another 30 American species belonging to two subgenera: Muscadinia and Vitis. It is believed that the center of diversity of wild grapes is located in the Middle East, from the Anatolian Peninsula to Transcaucasia and Hyrcanus. Nowadays, wild grapes are widely spreaded throughout Eurasia, covering the territory from Portugal to Turkmenistan, and from the banks of the Rhine to the Northern forests of Tunisia. In Azerbaijan, wild grapes are found in the Samur-Divichin and Lankaran lowlands, Western and Eastern parts of the Greater Caucasus, northern, central and southern parts of the Lesser Caucasus. Phylogenetic patterns suggest the emergence of the genus Vitis L. in the North America, the fragmentation of the ancestral area in the Miocene, the formation of modern species in the Late Miocene-Pleistocene and the differentiation of species as a result of Pliocene-Quaternary tectonic and climatic changes. The emergence and development of wild grapes in Azerbaijan is evidenced by the prints of a leaf of wild grape Vitis sylvestris Gmel., discovered by archaeologists in the Upper Pliocene on a stone near the Araks River of the Zangelan Region, near the village of Mindzhivan on the border with Iran. The purpose of this work is to analyze data on the origin, current distribution and taxonomy of wild grapes obtained by various taxonomists and to contribute to a number of discussion issues in this area.

How to cite
Husiyev E., Isrigova T., Salmanov M. ORIGIN, SPREADING AND TAXONOMY OF WILD GRAPES [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 83–99. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-83-99 (request date: 05.05.2024).
942 Кб
16 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.84
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-100-115


The data on ampelographic Screening of vegetating seedlings of Don autochthonous grape varieties are presented. To describe morphological features we used the method of testing for distinctness, uniformity and stability of grapevine (Vitis L.) and the OIV descriptor a descriptive guidance for encoding of ampelographic features and properties of any phenotypic individuals of grapevines. It allowed us to systematize the studied features, unify and bring them into compliance with international requirements. This article presents an information about the most wide spreading Don autochthonous grape wine varieties Varyushkin, Krasnostop Zolotovsky, Plechistik, Tsimlyansky Cherniy, belonging to the East Caucasian subgroup of varieties of the Black sea basin and table variety of Puhlyakovsky Beliy a natural hybrid of native Don variety and an Eastern one. These grape varieties are included in the State register of breeding achievements approved for use. The description of morphological features was carried out when the length of the grafted grape sapling shoot was 50-70 sm. In accordance with the method, the following definitions were used: the top of a young shoot, a shoot, a young leaf, and mature leaf. Morphologicalbiological study of the features of grafted vegetating grape saplings in the historical conditions of growth of this varieties group (Novocherkassk) was presented. An ampelographic description is given. It is noted that the morphological characteristics of vegetating saplings differ significantly from the morphological characteristics of adult fruit-bearing bushes, some features differ in modification variability and depend on the growing conditions. The information obtained as a result of the research can be used for testing the vine nurseries and creating pure-variety plantings.

How to cite
Pavluchenko N. AMPELOGRAPHIC SCREENING OF VEGETATING SAPLING OF DON AUTOCHTHONOUS VARIETIES [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 100–115. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-100-115 (request date: 05.05.2024).
623 Кб
11 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.8:631.52:581.1
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-116-126


This paper presents the results of agrobiological evaluation of new table hybrid forms of grapes under the stressful agroecological conditions of the Volgograd Region. The research was carried out using the modern field research methods under atypical weather conditions in 2019. As the object of research, the hybrid forms of table grapes were used: Agat Dubovsky, Akello, Arabella, Artek, Valencia, Hamlet, Ispolin, Kishmish Dubovsky, Courage, Timothy. These hybrids have high taste characteristics and organoleptic properties. They give a good harvest even in adverse years, and have the signs of resistance to biotic and abiotic factors for the unstable and stressful climate of the South of Russia. Under unstable weather conditions of 2019 in the Volgograd Region, these hybrid forms were distinguished by the main indicators of productivity: Agat Dubovsky, Courage and Valencia. These hybrids were selected by increased indicators of fruiting coefficients and fruitfulness coefficients, productivity index and yield capacity. The manifestation of high agrobiological characteristics of these hybrids in stressful weather and climate conditions was primarily facilitated by their high adaptive potential. For the same conditions of Vogograd Region, the hybrids with low indicators of fruiting and fruitfulness coefficients, productivity index, and yield were identified, among which the Akello and Hamlet were noted. Positive and negative agrobiological characteristics, as well as adaptive potential of the grape hybrid forms under study, should be considered as preliminary in relation to atypical agroecological conditions in 2019. For more knowledges and in-depth conclusions, the research will continue.

How to cite
Zhiku D., Gusev S., Petrov V. AGROBIOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF NEW TABLE HYBRID FORMS OF GRAPES UNDER STRESSFUL AGROECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF THE VOLGOGRAD REGION [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 116–126. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-116-126 (request date: 05.05.2024).
652 Кб
14 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.86:631.524.7(470.61)
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-127-140


The paper presents the results of the study of uvological indicators of table grape varieties carried out in 2017-2019 on the Don ampelographic collection named after Ya.I. Potapenko (Novocherkassk, Rostov Region). The varieties were studied in grafted culture on the rootstock of Berlandieri × Riparia Kober 5BB. Planting scheme was 3.0 × 1.5 m, non-watering culture. The study of grape varieties was carried out using generally accepted methods in viticulture and State Standards. At the tasting of fresh berries, 64 varieties were presented from the collection, 9 of them were seedless. Measurements of bunches and berries were made, the average weight of berries and crop conditions were determined (sugar content of berry juice and titrated acidity), and varieties were ranked according to these indicators. The largest bunches were in the grape varieties of Valentine, Oktyabrenok, Muscat Derbentskiy, Zarya Nesvetaya, Aku-Aku (the length of the bunch is 24 sm or more). Methods for the quality assessing of table grapes are based on subjective analysis, and on instrumental measurements that correlate with organoleptic properties and can be used as predictors of consumer acceptability. The highest average weight of the berry was in the grape varieties of Valentina (11.5 g), Marshalsky (8.3 g), Nadezhda AZOS, Rusmol (8.1 g), Bart (7.9 g), Cardinal Ustoychiviy (7.4 g), Black Rose (7.1 g), Zarya Nesvetaya (7.0 g). According to the research, a number of table varieties stand out due to a set of morphological (tasting evaluation of fresh grapes, size of buncheas and berries, berry weight, crop conditions): Valentina, Pamyati Negrulya, Nadezhda AZOS as well as the seedless grapes of Kishmish Luchistiy, Sublima Seedless, Arsenevsky.

How to cite
Naumova L., Ganich V. UVOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF TABLE GRAPE VARIETIES ON THE COLLECTION OF THE LOWER DON REGION [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 127–140. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-127-140 (request date: 05.05.2024).

Resource potential of the agricultural territories

566 Кб
10 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 574.2
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-141-150


Russia apricot production is on 16 place in the world. Basically, it is cultivated in the Southern regions of Russia, as it is a warm and light-loving plant, characterized by early flowering. It requires a smaller set of positive temperatures than for other fruit-trees to get out of the dormant stage, so the flower buds damaged often die to recurrent frosts and early frosts. Increase in the production of this very demanded and useful crop product requires a precise selection of specific conditions of the growing environment necessary for stable fruiting, especially in the winterspring period. In connection with climate change, it is necessary to constantly monitor the strength and direction of changes in weather stresses and possible with it modifications to the growing areas. The analysis of temperature data for the period 1950-2020 made it possible to reveal a clearly manifested cyclicality of the difference between the daily maximum and minimum air temperatures in time with a 30-year interval. It has been established that the apricot wood can be able to withstand the absolute minimum up to -30 º, and the flower buds in the forced dormancy phase up to -22 º. According to it, since 1890, a study of the frequency of the onset of absolute minimum temperatures for thirty-year periods has been carried out. It is noted that the most frequent manifestations of temperature stresses, fatal for this crop, are observed in two periods 1921-1951 and 1952-1982. The data obtained made it possible to develop a new version of apricot zoning in the Krasnodar Territory for the period up to 2030, based on computer technologies using. The results of this work will allow us to expand the area of cultivation of this valuable crop and avoid the risks in the process of crops obtaining.

How to cite
Dragavtseva I., Kuznetsova A., Klyukina A. THE REACTION OF APRICOT-TREE FOR STRESSFUL SITUATION OF WINTER PERIOD TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE CLIMATE CHANGE [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 141–150. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-141-150 (request date: 05.05.2024).
532 Кб
14 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 635.976 (470.6)
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-151-164


The orography of the Central Ciscaucasia regions, determines a high degree of diversity of the natural composition of vegetation, including fruit wild plants with nutritional, medicinal, technical, perfumery properties and many other economically significant signs. In this regard, a special place is occupied by a strip of the mid-mountain belt with altitudes of 500 - 1200 meters above sea level, which is extremely diverse in terms of geohydrological conditions. Due to the considerable remoteness of the Central Ciscaucasia Region from the Black Sea basin from the West and from the Caspian from the East, a peculiar complex of tree and shrub plants with an abundance of endemic species of fruit wild plants has developed here, which are the important resource for receiving of quality and original on biochemical composition production. The methodological aspects of the study of natural thickets of fruit wild plants are presented and the main indicators for assessing the productivity and quality of the medlar harvest are revealed and presented in this article. The characteristic features of thickets and individual plants are given for the isolation of protoclone shoots from them, which have valuable economic properties. As a result of the studies carried out, it was established: the influence of individual landscape elements like height bend and slope exposure the abundance of German medlar plants in natural communities of tree and shrub species, as well as productivity and morphological indicators of fruits, including those with signs of cloning. The dependence of the yield of saplings on the species characteristics of rootstocks is revealed. The preservation of natural thickets and the introduction of the Germanic medlar in culture allows us to solve the social-economic issues of modern gardening in the regions of the Central Ciscaucasia.

How to cite
Fisun M., Egorova E., Kantsalieva Z., Dolgiev M. PRODUCTIVITY AND QUALITY OF THE FRUITS OF GERMAN'S MUSHMULA IN THE MIDDLE MOUNTAINS OF THE INGUSH REPUBLIC [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 151–164. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-151-164 (request date: 05.05.2024).

Physiology and biochemistry of plants

528 Кб
14 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 581:576.5:634.224
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-165-178


At present, the adaptive stability potential of some fruit varieties is insufficient for a response to climate changes in the North Caucasus Region of Russia. In this regard, the creation of varieties with increased environmental plasticity and high adaptive potential is relevant. Physiological and biochemical studies of apple varieties state after artificially induced low-temperature stress will allow to assess the studied apple varieties for resistance to critical frosts in mid-winter. A comparative assessment of the apple variety resistance to low temperature stress showed that there were quantitative changes content of malon dialdehyde content in the one-year shoots, as well as ascorbic acid, anthocyanins, chalcones, and peroxidase activity. It is established that in various apple varieties, peroxidase activity and antioxidant content in the tissue of shoots under conditions of low temperature stress varied with difference, detoxification of active oxygen forms (AOF) was achieved by various components of antioxidant protection. In the Prikubanskoye apple variety, the content of malondialdehyde in the one-year shoots remained almost unchanged, indicating the greater stability of the cell membranes, achieved due to the increased activity of peroxidase. n the Rodnichok variety, AOF detoxification is achieved by increasing in the ascorbic acid content by 3 times. Varieties of Rassvet and Prikubanskoe had the highest content of anthocyanins and chalcones, that indicate their greater frost resistance in the middle of winter in comparison with other studied varieties. Analysis of the physiological and biochemical characteristics we have found as a result of our research showed that Prikubanskoe apple variety is resistant (II component of winter hardiness). The varieties of Rassvet, Rodnichok, Idared are of less resistant to the highest frost in the mid-winter.

How to cite
Kiseleva G., Nenko N., Mishko A., Karavaeva A., Ulyanovskaya E. PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF FROST RESISTANCE OF APPLE VARIETIES AFTER LOW-TEMPERATURE STRESS [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 165–178. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-165-178 (request date: 05.05.2024).
546 Кб
14 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.11:631.52:581.1.032.3
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-179-192


The research was carried out on the basis of the laboratory of physiology of fruit stability plants of VNIISPK in 2016-2017. The objects of the research were apple cultivars selected by the Institute and growing on a semi-dwarf rootstock 54-118. The variety of Antonovka Obyknovennaya was taken as a control. The experiments were started in 2013, with the scheme of the trees plantings is 5 3 m. The crown was spindleshaped. The row-spacing and trunk strips were kept under black steam. To determine the heat resistance of apple cultivars, the method of heat shock +50 ºC (1.5 hours) was used. The purpose of the research was to study the heat resistance of apple cultivars based on determining the parameters of the water regime in the laboratory. The following parameters of the water regime were determined: total hydration, water deficit, restoration of leaf hydration. As a result of two-year studies, the studied apple cultivars were characterized by average water content (61.2...64.9 %), low water deficit under the field conditions and average deficit after exposure to heat shock and high ability to restore water content of leaf tissues (85.2...108.1%) after exposure to high temperature. The distribution of precipitations and temperatures under the field conditions during the passage of the studied cultivars of individual phenophases affected the hydration and water deficit of apple leaf tissues. There was a decrease in total water content and an increase in water deficit of leaves tissues during the fruit formation period (August) and during the onset of dry and hot conditions in the summer period. After exposure to high temperature +50 ºC in the laboratory conditions, the leaves showed an increase in water deficit in apple cultivars compared to the data under the field conditions. It was found that all the studied apple cultivars had an average level of heat resistance at the level of the control cultivar of Antonovka Obyknovennaya.

How to cite
Ozherelieva Z., Krasova N., Galasheva A. HEAT RESISTANCE OF APPLE CULTIVARS [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 179–192. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-179-192 (request date: 05.05.2024).
758 Кб
18 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.8:631.524.6:575.22
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-193-210


This study aimed to assess the influence of the factors plant organ, variety origin, berry color and ripening period the content of phenolic substances in the grape plants using statistical processing methods. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the phenolic substances (hydroxycarboxylic acids, flavonols, flavan-3-ols, oligomeric procyanidins, stilbenes) of the main grape groups was carried out using the high effective liquid chromatography. The variability of phenolic substances content was studied according to the plan of a full four-factor experiment (a total of 36 variants in triplicate). Statistica 10 (StatSoft, Inc., USA) application software package was used for data analysis. The results of the analysis of variance of the content of phenolic groups substances in the grape plants showed that the influence of the factors plant organ, variety origin and ripening period on the indexes of these substances is reliable. The berry color factor affected only the concentration of hydroxycarboxylic acids when interacting with the factors of plant organ and ripening period. Interaction of different factors variants among themselves significantly affected the amount of hydroxycarboxylic acids, flavonols, stilbenes and oligomeric procyanidins. Based on forecasting profile analysis, one should expect high values of hydroxycarboxylic acids, flavonols and flavan-3-ols only in the early stages of grape berry ripening, and oligomeric procyanidins in the later dates of ripening. The maximum quantity of stilbenes should be expected in interspecific grape varieties in the early stages of berry ripening, in autochthonous varieties in the later stages. By manipulating the affect conformity in natural lows of both individual factors and their combinations, one can predict the desired effect and achieve the optimal qualitative and quantitative ratio of various groups of phenolic compounds in the grape plants.

How to cite
Klimenko V., Turaev D., Lushchay E., Likhovskoy V. DETERMINATION OF VARIABILITY OF PHENOLIC SUBSTANCES IN GRAPE PLANTS [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 193–210. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-193-210 (request date: 05.05.2024).

General agrotechnics (systems, technology)

603 Кб
11 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.22:632.111.5 (470.621)
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-211-221


A study of winter hardiness of plum domestic varieties, differing in high taste qualities, was carried out. The plum winter hardiness is determined by of damage to plant organs on a 5-point scale. Varietal differences in the degree of resistance of skeleton`s branches and the stem to low temperatures in winter, as well as fruit buds to spring return frosts, were established. The condition of plum domestic trees was assessed for 4 years of research. The most resistant plum varieties to winter freezing of the stem and skeleton`s branches were identified: Calben 208, Vasova, Arvita, Vengerka Vkusnaya, Vengerka Italianskaya, Lakomka, Montfort, Nectar, Pamyat Vavilov, Persikovaya Michurin, Renklod Fioletovy, Chernosliv Adygeyskiy, Shamsi. Plum varieties with a maximum assessment of the tree`s state after a winter with an extremely low temperature were revealed: Vasova, Vengerka Vkusnaya, Pamyat Vavilov, Renklod Altana, Renklod Fioletovy, Shamsi. The improvement of the trees condition of most plum domestic varieties over the observation period has been established. Based on data on the maximum ruin of flower buds from return frosts from 2008 to 2010, stability groups of the studied plum varieties were established. Plum varieties with maximum resistance of fruit buds to return frosts were identified: Anastasia, Vengerka Italianskaya, Ekaterina, Ispolinskaya, Columbia, Lakomka, Pamyat Vavilov, Chernosliv Adygeyskiy, Shamsi. There was no dependence of freezing of the plum flower buds on the timing of the beginning of flowering. Varieties, with the beginning of flowering from April 11 (Velikiy Gertsog) to April 25 (Vengerka Rannia) and others, have had the freezing buds. The buds that were not damaged by frost were in varieties whose flowering began from April 16 (Lakomka) to April 25 (Vengerka Italianskaya). The results of studies of some varieties under the conditions of Adygea are compared with the results of other researchers of the Krasnodar Territory.

How to cite
Sherstobitov V. EVALUATION OF WINTER DAMAGES OF SKELETON`S PART OF TREES AND FRUIT BUDS OF PLUM DOMESTIC [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 211–221. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-211-221 (request date: 05.05.2024).
821 Кб
16 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.8
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-222-237


Growth processes reflect the dynamics of the leaf surface growth of the grape plant. They depend on the temperature and water conditions, as well as the variety specifics. The processes of growth of shoots and leaf plates of Riesling Rhenish grapes under the influence of different plantation scheme and the load of bushes with shoots are studied. It was found that the growth rate of grape shoots with an increase in the load from 40,000 to 70,000 shoots per hectare decreases and does not significantly differ with different scheme of plantation. The length of shoots is maximum for any plantation scheme with a load of 40,000 shoots per hectare and decreases when it increases. In 2019, there was a tendency to increase in the leaf surface area per hectare with increasing the load. With a landing scheme of 3.0 x 2.0 m and a load of 70,000 shoots/ha the leaf surface area per hectare was 1.2 times higher than that with a load of 40,000 shoots/ha, with a landing scheme of 3.0 x 1.5 m by 2.2 times, and with a landing scheme of 3.0 x 1.0 by 1.6 times. The productivity indicators of the leaf surface are calculated: the amount of crop per 1 m2 of leaf area; the area of leaves per 1 kg of crop and per 1 bunch. The trends of their changes depending on the load of bushes with shoots and the scheme of bushes planting are established. The studies have shown that under the conditions of the Black Sea agroecological zone of viticulture with increased insolation and insufficient moisture supply, the most active growth processes and increased biological stability of Riesling Rhenish grape plants were observed in plantations with a planting scheme of 3.0 x 2.0 and 3.0 x 1.5 m with a bushes load of 40 and 50 thousand shoots per hectare

How to cite
Aleynikova G., Seghet O., Zhiku D., Razzhivina J. GROWTH PROCESSES OF GRAPE PLANTS DEPENDING ON THE PLANTATION SCHEME AND THE LOAD OF BUSHES WITH SHOOTS [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 222–237. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-222-237 (request date: 05.05.2024).

Mineral nutrition of plants

624 Кб
11 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.8.07
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-238-248


The use of gibberellin in the technology of table grape cultivation in the most countries of the world is a mandatory agrotechnical technique, which lead to significant changes in the morphological and mechanical properties of bunches, increases in the yield and change in the quality of berries. The article shows the results of the effect of the preparation containing gibberellic acid the economic and technological properties of table kishmish grapes of Anapa selection Lotus, Zhemchug Anapa, Kishmish Rozovy AZOS. The GIBRELIN was used under study a growth regulator based on gibberellic acid to stimulate and improve the ovary, thin the bunch, increase in the yield and quality of grapes.The liquid form allows you to quickly and accurately apply the preparation, even in separate dosages. The content of gibberellic acid in the pure form of the preparation is 1.8 g per 100 g of solvent. In the phase of grape berry maturation, it was determined yield per bush, the average mass of bunches, berries in bunch and ridges, the mass of 100 berries, and the bunch structure index was calculated. As a result of treatment with gibberellin, the mass of the ridges increased in all the studied varieties, and it led to decrease in the bunch`s structure index. The use of growth regulator have led to the formation of larger berries and, accordingly, to smaller their number per bunch weight, as a result, the berry index decreased also. The use of gibberellin (GA) in the pure form for the local kishmish grape plants positive affects their economic and technological properties, changing the bunch`s structure and thereby expanding the direction of grape use. A more optimal structure of bunches was revealed for two-time treatments: the Lotus variety with a dosage of 1 ml of GA, Zhemchug Anapa 0.25 ml of GA, and Kishmish Rozovy AZOS 0.5 ml of GA.

How to cite
Ahmedova Y., Razzhivina J. PHYTOHORMONAL REGULATION OF ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF GRAPE SEEDLESS VARIETIES [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 238–248. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-238-248 (request date: 05.05.2024).

Management of soil fertility

790 Кб
9 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.8:631.466.1
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-249-257


As a result of studies of the myological composition of the ampelocenoses soils with a different content system, in 2019, eight genera of soil micromycetes (Mucor, Trichoderma, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Alternaria, Cladosporium, Vertecillium) were isolated. Soil microbiota was found to differ depending on the season and soil keeping system. The greatest variety of micromycetes was noted in the variants with the additional introduction of organic substances. In the spring, the species of the Trichoderma sp. genus dominated in the complex of isolated soil fungi with a soil system sodding and black fallow + organic fertilizers. In the version with a black fallow soil system in the spring, the dominant species were the species of the genus Penicillium sp. and Trichoderma sp oreover, the species of Trichoderma sp. was isolated only in the soil layer of 15-30 cm. In the summer, in the variants Sodding and black fallow + organic fertilizers, the species composition of soil micromycetes expanded, while the frequency of occurrence of the Trichoderma sp. species, dominated in spring, in the 0-15 cm layer was only 2,6%, and in the layer of 15-30 cm this species was not isolated. The fungus of the Trichoderma genus in the version with a black fallow soil + organic fertilizer system retained their dominant position, but their number decreased by 1.6 times. In the variant, black fallow in the soil layer of 0-15 cm the fungi of the Penicillium sp. genus dominates preserved, and in a layer of 15-30 cm, the composition was rearranged, to domination the genus Penicillium sp. and Aspergillus sp. species.

How to cite
Lukyanov A., Petrov V. MICROMYCETES IN THE SOIL OF AMPELOCENOSIS WITH VARIOUS SYSTEM OF ITS MAINTENANCE [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 249–257. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-249-257 (request date: 05.05.2024).

Quality Management

727 Кб
13 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: -
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-258-270
Keywords: -



How to cite
Pankin M., Guguchkina T. - [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 258–270. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-258-270 (request date: 05.05.2024).
680 Кб
11 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 663.2; 634.8:631.52
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-271-281


A modern assortment of technical grapes should be formed take into account the correspondence of the genetic potential of cultivars with terroir of cultivation, and the changing biotic and abiotic environmental factors. Climatic changes observed in recent decades are global in nature and have a significant impact the processes occurring in the biosphere. The weather conditions in 2018 had significant differences in temperature and water regimes from long-term average values, which made it possible to identify the biological characteristics of the adaptation of the studied red grape varieties to prevailing abiotic conditions, as well as to evaluate the organoleptic, physical and chemical, and biochemical properties of the wine materials from these varieties. In terms of the number of anthocyanins and the content of phenolic substances, the wine materials of the studied varieties of AZES breeding surpass the control variant. The largest number of anthocyanins was found in wine material from Krasnostop AZOS grapes 1050 mg / dm3. In the wine material of the Cabernet AZOS, it was found 606 mg / dm3 in comparison with the Cabernet Sauvignon control 467 mg / dm3. There was no mathematically proven effect of the concentration of these substances the quality of wine in the experiment. The correlation coefficient between the content of phenolic substances and anthocyanins and the qualitative assessment of the studied table red wines was r = 0,14 and r = 0,17, respectively. In the experiment, the amount of extract given is statistically significantly correlated with the quality of red wine. As a result of mathematical processing of the data obtained during the research, the correlation coefficient between the content of sugarless extract and the qualitative assessment of table red wines was r = 0,68. According to the results of studies, it was found that wine materials prepared from grape varieties of the AZES breeding are not worse than the control of Cabernet Sauvignon according to organoleptic characteristics.

How to cite
Dergunov A., Lopin S. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF INFLUENCE OF VARIETY FEATURES OF GRAPES OF ANAPA AMPELOGRAPHIC COLLECTION TECHNOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS AND ORGANOLEPTIC PROPERTIES OF TABLE WINES [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 271–281. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-271-281 (request date: 05.05.2024).
617 Кб
14 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 541.132:547.461
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-282-295


Organic acids are the main indicators of the chemical composition of grapes and wine, participate actively in the processes occurring in the wine formation, determine the acidic properties and taste of wines, the stability of products to turbidity, the intensity of redox processes is affected, and they are the markers of the authenticity of wines. The results of study of the behavior of one of the main grapes and wine acids malic acid are given in the paper. It is characterized by a sharp taste and can be transformed into lactic acid during biological acid reducing of wines. We analyzed the aqueous solutions of malic acid in concentrations from 0.549 103 to 1.792 103 mol / dm3 in the presence of strong electrolytes during continuous potentiometric titration with a coulometrically generated base in order to determine its effect the integral characteristics of wine quality. The titration of solutions was carried out against a background of 1.0 mol / dm3 KCl to maintain the constant ionic strength and conductivity in a setup consisting of a diaphragmless cell with generator and indicator electrodes. It has been hypothesized that in highly diluted solutions, malic acid and its anionic forms are in dimeric form. An analysis of experimental data and its theoretical interpretation show that malic acid is titrated as tetrabasic acid, and its existence in a stable dimeric form is confirmed. The nature of hydrogenic and intermolecular bonds is discussed. Critical points of malic acid solutions were found using the titration curves (, pH0, pH1, t1, t2 etc.) whose values can be used for the integral quality control of wines. It is proposed to use the results obtained to improve methods for assessing quality and identifying the grape raw materials and the wines.

How to cite
Shelud'ko O., Strizhov N. STUDY OF PROTOLITICAL EQUILIBRIUM IN AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF MALIC ACID IN ORDER TO ESTIMATE ITS INFLUENCE THE QUALITY OF WINE [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 282–295. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-282-295 (request date: 05.05.2024).

Phytosanitary condition of plants

583 Кб
10 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 632.752.2.634
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-296-305


The gray apple aphid is quite widespread on the territory of Russia and neighboring countries, however, there is still no its cartographic description in the literature in this territory, which is important in predicting the number of the vermins, and it became the task of our work. The paper presents a map of the distribution and zone of harmfulness of the Gray Apple or red-ball aphid Dysaphis devecta Walk. along the territory of Russian Federation and neighboring countries. It was created on the basis of analysis of literature sources, own observations and data on catching aphids by water traps in the fruit orchards. The information about the biology and ecology of the species is also presented and with the using of yellow water traps, the Northern border of the district was clarified. It runs along the Saint-Petersburg (Gatchina, Luga regions) Yaroslavl, then the line goes to East along the Northern border of apple orchards. No insects of this species were found in traps in the North regions. Grey Apple aphids are found in the Baltic area, Belarus, and the European part of Russia. The zone of Grey Apple aphids harmfulness includes the Southern and Eastern parts of Ukraine, Moldova, the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, where the vermin periodic damage of plants is 2 points, in some foci the damage degree is 3 points. This is an industrial gardening area. The Grey Apple aphid is found in the Urals, in Western and Eastern Siberia, but the reproduction intensity of species in this territory is low due to the long winter period with temperatures below -20 ºC and low humidity. In some years, a small number of apple aphid is observed in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, where the summer temperatures above 30 ºC, with low humidity, have a detrimental influence the population.

How to cite
Berim M., Saulich M. THE AREA AND ZONE OF HARMFULNESS OF GRAY APPLE APHID DYSAPHIS DEVECTA WALK. (HOMOPTERA, APHIDIDAE) ALONG THE TERRITORY OF RUSSIA AND NEIGHBORING COUNTRIES [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 296–305. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-296-305 (request date: 05.05.2024).
1067 Кб
20 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 632.4.01/.08:575.174.015.3:57.083.182
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-306-325


Since 2013, in the Krasnodar Territory, fungi of the Fusarium Link genus have been the causative agents of rotting the apple fruits core, in 2019, 7 species of this genus have been identified as part of the pathocomplex. In order to effectively control the disease, in the pathogenesis of which a large number of species are involved, in vitro studies are required. It is necessary to achieve fast and guaranteed growth of each of the fungies. Significant variability of morphological and cultural characteristics of Fusaria is known during their cultivation under the influence of the composition of growing medium. In this regard, the selection for Fusarium fungi-pathogens of rot of the apple fruits core optimal for the cultivation of growing medium is actual. The studies were carried out by laboratorian and comparative analysis methods. We studied the growth of three pathogens of rotting the apple tree fruits core of the Fusarium Link genus in 10 growing medium. The radial colony growth rate and morphological and cultural characters were evaluated. As a result of studies in species F. semitectum (Mart.) Sacc., F. sporotrichioides Sherb. and F. solani (Mart.) Sacc. was found that not only the growth rate of the colonies was varied, but also their cultural characteristics depending on the growing medium. To cultivate the studied pathogenic fungi, carrot and tomato agar were isolated in the our experiments as universal medium on which the colony growth was most intense. Additionally, the growing medium were proposed for each species: for F. solani Murashige and Skoog medium; for F. semitectum medium Murashige and Skoog and wort agar; for F. sporotrichioides Nirenberg medium, potatoes-glucosal agar and wort-agar.

How to cite
Astapchuk I., Yakuba G., Marchenko N., Nasonov A. EVALUATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF VARIOUS NUTRIENT MEDIA THE GROWTH OF THE GENUS FUSARIUM LINK FUNGI [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 306–325. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-306-325 (request date: 05.05.2024).

Storage of fruits and berries production and grapes

740 Кб
14 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 634.25: 664.8.038
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-326-339


The problem of maintaining the quality of agricultural products is of great urgency in the world. Fresh fruits are an indispensable component of a balanced diet, they are the most important source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. Ensuring by fruits of the population of the country is an important national economic task. Currently, domestic gardening does not satisfy the population's need for fruit and berry products. Extension of the fruits implementation period can significantly increase in the competitiveness of products. Our task was to maximize the preservation of the quality of peach fruits during storage based on the improvement of technological methods. Since the fruits are living products, it is possible to extend the storage period and reduce losses only by creating the conditions that ensure maximum slowdown of metabolic processes in them. Such conditions are fruit cooling and a decrease in the oxygen concentration in the fruit. In order to extend the period of peach fruits realization, especially when transporting over long distances, the fruits storage in a modified atmosphere (MA) was studied using StePac Xtend packaging materials (packages), creating a modified gas environment, as well as ethylene absorbers Inter Fresh. Post-harvest fruit treatment is carried out using one of the most effective preparations for maintaining their quality indicators. It should be found that the most effective way for fruits storage in MA was preliminary cooling of the peach fruits, in which the original qualities are best preserved: the fruit hardness, juiciness, freshness and appearance. The use of this technological method has shown the effectiveness of its application, which is confirmed by a higher yield of marketable products. The healthy fruits with preliminary cooling and storage in MA were 75-82 %, in as well as control 65-70 %, the content of vitamins C and P are 85-86 %.

How to cite
Prichko T., Smelik T. NEW TECHNOLOGICAL METHODS FOR STORING PEACH FRUITS USING A MODIFIED MEDIUM [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 326–339. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-326-339 (request date: 05.05.2024).

Decorative shapes of garden rocks and grapes in the landscape construction

608 Кб
14 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 635.965
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-340-353


Forsythia is one of the most spectacular early-spring flowering shrubs. The genus Forsythia contains 13 natural species and several hybrid ones Forsythia × intermedia Zabel, Forsythia × mandschurica Uyeki., and complex hybrid Forsythia × intermedia Zabel. × Forsythia ovata Nakai.. Three species F. × intermedia Zabel., F. ovata Nakai F. intermedia Zabel. × F. ovata Nakai. were recommended for ornamental gardening in the humid subtropical zone of Russia. Morphological and biological characteristics of 15 varieties of 4 species: F. × intermedia ('Densiflora', 'Golden Times', 'Lynwood', 'Maluch', 'Mikador', 'Primulina', 'Spectabilis', 'Spring Glory', 'Vitellina', 'Week-end'), F. koreana 'Kumson', F. ovata 'Tetragold', F. intermedia × ovata ('Beatrix Farrand', 'Goldzauber', 'Parkdekor') were studied on the basis of the botanical garden "Tree of friendship", "Subtropical Botanical garden of Kuban", arboretum parks "Southern cultures" and "Dendrarium". Early-flowering F. × intermedia 'Densiflora' and F. × intermedia 'Spectabilis' of medium flowering period are recommended as the main varieties for landscaping objects of the Sochi Black sea region. The cultivar with the latest flowering period is Forsythia intermedia × ovata 'Beatrix Farrand'. The distinctive light color shade is noted for F. × intermedia 'Maluch'. The tallest variety is F. × intermedia 'Lynwood', and the shortest variety is F. × intermedia 'Mikador'. As a result of study carried out we made a conclution that it is necessary to continue work on attracting and testing the world assortment of forsythia in the region, as well as to start regional breeding research to obtain the new varieties resistant to stress-factors of region.

How to cite
Malyarovskaya V., Soltani G., Kunina V. MORPHOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FORSYTHIA VAHL REPRESENTATIVES UNDER CONDITIONS OF WET RUSSIA SUBTROPICS [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 340–353. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-340-353 (request date: 05.05.2024).

Publishing of young scientists and postgraduates

720 Кб
16 с.
Date posted: 21.09.2020
UDC: 663.25
DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-354-369


The choice of packaging materials for wines is difficult, since they are very sensitive to the perception of unnecessary odors, contact with polymers gives them unnecessary flavor, changes in the bouquet, and the stronger drinks extract even the smallest impurities. Today, wine products are bottled in various types of consumer packages. In accordance with current legislation, the wine drinkable is not limited. However, this statement is not confirmed by research, aimed at studying the change in the quality of alcoholic products in packages not made of glass. Meanwhile, the market for auxiliary materials, packaging in particular, is constantly growing and developing, offering the new solutions for wine bottling. But the wines in other types of consumer packaging require a special storage conditions and drinkable objectively established and confirmed. In this regard, the purpose of our work was to study the change in the quality of wines in different types of packaging during storage. The main objectives of the study were to monitor the knowledge of the issue in this area; to evaluate the quality of wines, placed in various types of packaging, according to organoleptic and physicalchemical indicators; compare the degree of change in the quality of wines depending on the type of packaging in which the product is placed; to assess the impact of packaging on changes in the qualitative composition of wines. The material presented in this article assesses the existing types of packaging agents used for bottling the alcoholic beverages. The change in the quality indicators of wines depending on the type of packaging was researched, their comparative study was carried out. The change in interrelated physical and chemical parameters, which varied depending on the category of wine and the type of packaging agents is shown.

How to cite
Hapacheva N., Chemisova L. THE WINE QUALITY CHANGE STUDY IN THE DIFFERENT PACKAGES [Electronic resource] // Fruit growing and viticulture of South Russia. 2020. № 65(5). pp. 354–369. URL: DOI: 10.30679/2219-5335-2020-5-65-354-369 (request date: 05.05.2024).